Monday, July 5, 2010

Random conversation

I brought Sherryn for her 5 month old jab when I had this conversation with one of the patients at the clinic (an 'auntie').

Auntie: So cute, is it a boy or girl?
Me: She's a girl.
Auntie: Looks like a boy. How old?
Me: 5 months. Ya, many people say she has the boy look.
Auntie: First one or second?
Me: Second. My first one is coming to 3 years.
Auntie: Oh, boy or girl?
Me: I have 2 girls. (I know full well where this conversation is heading..)
Auntie: Oh, never mind, try for a boy the next time.

My helper was chuckling beside me cos she knows that I have one too many of such conversations.

What's wrong with having 2 girls? I dont see the need for any consolation for not having a boy... Also, even if I do try for a 3rd child, there is no guarantee that it will be a boy. And what would people say then if I have 3 girls? Try for a 4th?

The next time people ask, I am planning to say I have a boy and a girl and see what people's reactions are.. ha ha..

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