Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kaelyn's childcare update July 2010

We seem to be making some headway in Kaelyn's food intake in school. She now finishes the small portion that the teachers giver her and is able to eat on her own. Before, she would refuse to touch the food even when the teachers feed her. She just didnt like to eat.

We havent been making much progress on the napping and toilet training routine though. Guess I really have to take one step at a time. Because she sometimes skips are naps in school, we are now putting her on half days on Tues and Thurs so she can rest properly in between the school week.

I have also restarted intensive toilet training. I think she understands that she has to tell us when she needs to pee and poo but not sure why she doesnt do that. I now accept that she is a slow developer in this area...Think she still cant really tell whether she needs to go until she has let go. Within 3 hours, we can change as many as 5 - 6 training pants and bring her to the toilet 3 times. Really tiring but will try to persevere! Hope she is able to go to toilet on her own in school soon.

However in terms of other developments, her teachers say she is a fast learner like recognising patterns / sequencing, sorting balls / coins based on attributes etc. I guess you cant have it both ways!

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