Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kaelyn turns ONE!

It's been a long time since I blogged.. Too busy, too many things happening these 2 months. We were busy preparing for Kaelyn's first birthday celebration and our trip to Hokkaido. Now that these 2 events have passed, and I am clearing my block leave, I am able to come back here again amidst unpacking and watching the Olympics!

We celebrated Kaelyn's first birthday on 27 July (her actual birthday was on 30 July), before David and I went on our 2nd honeymoon = P.. It wasnt a big bash type of celebration, just close family and some friends.

As Kaelyn turns 1, I think back (again) on our journey over the past year. It's just passed by in a flash. I really cant describe how happy, relieved, consoled etc that I am watching my girl grow..

Anyway, here are some of the shots taken that day. Kaelyn looks grouchy in front of her cake because we dragged her out from her nap so we can all sing Happy Birthday for her. She's a little overwhelmed..

Lunch before guests arrive - very patriotically waving the Singapore flag at the same time
Princess making her appearance
The guests
The cake
The proud parents
The presents!