Well, my Filipino maid has been with us for 1.5 months now, and I must say we are very pleased with her. Not only can she perform the household chores to our expectations, she can whip up 2 proper meals a day, and care for our baby.
Household chores
I think most maids are able to do general housework so I shant go into details.
Initially, my mum-in-law and mum would show/teach her how to prepare some dishes. By the end of the week, she is able to cook a meal consisting of rice, 1 vege, 1 meat and 1 soup. Although the dishes are just simple fares, I am impressed that she is able to pick things up so quickly, and do a proper job at that. I think she can cook much better than me now!
Caring for baby
I must admit she is better at handling babies than I am at times. I think this is primarily because she loves kids, and also she has a 4 year old daughter. She's good at coaxing Kaelyn to sleep and playing with her. We ever left Kaelyn alone with her a few times while we zipped out for an hour or 2 to get our groceries. This is something which I never thought I'd do with other maids. But if it is for a longer period than this, I still have my reservations.
Of course there are times when she makes mistakes, but as long as she gets the job done and has the right attitude, we have no complaints. We find ourselves lucky to have her with us. Hope she stays this way for the next 2 years!
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