I cant help but keep comparing Sherryn to Kaelyn every now and then. I just want to see if Sherryn is developing / progressing faster or slower than her sister. After 4 months, it is quite clear where their similarities and differences lie.
- Physically, Sherryn is bigger and heavier than Kaelyn at 4 months. Sherryn was 6.5kg at 3 months and 3 weeks while Kaelyn was 6.1kg at 4 months.
- Sherryn still cant roll from back to tummy while Kaelyn was already an 'expert' at this age. Perhaps this is due to Sherryn being heavier?
- Both like to be propped up or carried around to view the world from an upright position.
- Both are easily distracted at this age and do not drink much at my breast as all they face is me! However, Sherryn is able to drink more using bottle compared to Kaelyn. Sherryn is much easier to feed and finishes her milk of 160ml without much fuss.
- Sherryn has a better temperament. She does not scream or shout to get what she wants, much easier to look after. When she's hungry, tired or asked to be carried, she will let out some cries but nothing close to the angry howls of protests Kaelyn let out.
- Both are cheerful and 'talkative' babies who will laugh and babble when you play with them.
- Both like to watch TV!
- Both are able to amuse themselves by playing with their own fingers and toes and scratching their ears, and trying to hit at toys in front of them.
I can tell that these 2 girls will grow up to have different personalities. Both will be cheerful but Kaelyn will be the more impatient and quick tempered one just like her dad. And Sherryn make take after me to be more patient with a milder temperament.
I feel quite guilty towards Sherryn, as I have been spending less time talking, reading, singing to her as I did with Kaelyn. Perhaps due to attention having to be split between 2 kids, and also me taking advantage of Sherryn's nicer temper, as she does not 'demand' much attention from me. I have about 7 weeks before I go to work, so will use this time to 'make amends' by paying more attention to Sherryn..
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