It started on the fourth day of CNY, beginning with very poor appetite, not wanting to drink milk or eat her cereal. In the middle of the night, she became very irritable and restless. That was when we found that her temperature shot up to 38+ degrees. We fed her paracetemol and put wet towels on her to bring her temperature down. At first we thought it was a sign of teething, but another visit to the doctor (the first visit was when her temp was 37+ and doctor said it was due to teething) confirmed that she was down with virus infection. Must be all the visits over the CNY..
For over almost a week, her temperature was as volatile as the stock market. One minute 37 degrees and the next 39.9 degrees. She was often screaming away to vent her frustrations and show her discomforts. Due to her loss of appetite and frequent night wakings, I could see her already petite frame shrink even further. It really pains me to see how much agony she was in..
With the help of Paracetemol and Bufane (both to be taken in a staggered manner), hourly checks on her temperature, towelling her before she became too hot and lots of tender loving care from her Papa and Mama, Kaelyn was on the mend. The rest of the family can breathe and sleep easy once more...
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