Saturday, July 21, 2007

Getting a maid

There were 2 things which we took the longest time to decide on - 1 is the little one's name, and 2nd is whether to get a maid. Well, the first issue as I have mentioned earlier, was partially resolved (now left with Chinese name). The second one was resolved last week as well.

The second decision was not an easy one too. I am quite against the idea of getting a maid, as I dont want to have a stranger staying in my house. You lose a lot of privacy, and there is added cost of paying her salary of $350, and her food and maintenance as well. Most importantly, I have heard so many stories about maids, none of which is pleasant.

However, after our discussions with our parents, it dawned on us that getting a maid is unavoidable as our mums are not able to help take care of the baby full time without a helper, after I go back to work. So the maid shall help out with the housework and help wash baby bottles and clothes etc. She will not, at least for the first year, be fully in charge of taking care of my baby.

After asking around and going to different maid agencies in Hougang Green Mall, we finally selected a Filipino maid to come in on 1 Sept, after my confinement. Well, at least this is one item down from our to do list..

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