Kaelyn's toilet training has been really successful. She is now diaperless (except for nap/sleeping times), which I think is a really great achievement. I never thought this day would come. I'll take it slow on the final lap of being totally diaper-free. And she is finally off the pacifier (yeah!). Yup, its really taking too long..
Kaelyn's still the natural entertainer - she loves to sing and dance, make poses for the camera even in public. She also loves to draw, paint, colour, write. Oh, and since the HK trip, she has been requesting to use our iphone camera function to take photos for us or of anything / everything around her. I have just deleted 30 over photos that she took without my knowledge..
She knows her alphabets (caps and small letters) very well, a credit to her teachers in school. And she's able to write some of those letters too, and spell her own name. I dont remember being able to do that when I was 3 years old.
Our dear Sherryn is coming to 1 year old soon (in 1 month's time). Where has the past year gone? She has been crawling all over the place since 8.5 months, and has been holding on to furniture and cruising since around the same time too. She had her first tooth close to 9 months and since has 2 teeth on the lower gum and 1 on the upper gum.
As she grows, we can see her personality and character coming through - she is one stubborn and demanding girl. One really frustrating thing for us is that she refuses to drink water, not a drop at all. She would use her might to push, kick, scream, wail when we try to feed her water.. I dont understand at all why she has such violent objections to water! She still loves to play with and be around her elder sis. And doesnt like to read, unlike her sis. She's getting really naughty now, shouting and screaming to get her way.
I think she can call Mama and Papa(or at least something that resemble these words).
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