Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mama mama mama........

Just a year ago, I was very earnestly teaching Kaelyn how to say 'Mama', repeating 'Mama' to her like 30 times a day to drum it into her head. Hoping that one day she would finally be able to call out to me. And when she did utter the first 'Mama', I was over the moon.

Today, one year later, she calls out to me like a broken recorder. Within a span of 5 mins, I think she can say 'Mama' like 20 times! And it is not as if I was ignoring her.

While having breakfast / lunch / dinner..
Kaelyn: Mama
Me: Yes, darling?
Kaelyn: Mama, come
Me: Mama's eating. I'll come and play with you after I finish ok?
Kaelyn: Mama, mama, mama, mama, mama..................!

While just walking around the house / reading newspapers etc
Kaelyn: Mama
Me: Yes, what do you want?
Kaelyn: Mama, mama
Me: Yes, mama is listening, why?
Kaelyn: Mama, mama, mama, mama..................................!
Me: ??!!!?!?!

Even when I am at work, this doesnt stop
Kaelyn: Mama, where?
Nai nai: Mama's at work
Kaelyn: Mama, where?! (even louder).
And she will go searching round the house for her Mama, and repeating Mama, mama, mama............!

Sometimes it gets really annoying, but other times it's music to my ears..


Theresa said...

hahahah as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for :) But, admittedly its cute, tho, it really can drive one up the wall. Wait till she comes to the Why Why Why stage. It never ends. And, u'll have to give answers after answers. Cute again, but exhausting!!

daddy said...

ya, i'm already exhausted with the 'mama mama' business... cant imagine having to think of answers to all her questions!