Sunday, September 30, 2007
Venturing out with Kaelyn
David was on leave 2 days last week and we had some plans on how to spend those days. We wanted to bring Kaelyn out to the Botanic gardens on one of the days but it was raining. So we made a trip down to Plaza Singapura instead. I would say it was a successful attempt in bringing the little one out. I was initially afraid she would wail throughout but surprisingly she didnt! However, we spent quite some time locating the nursing room and feeding her. We also had people coming up to comment on how cute she is and asking whether she's Japanese! I think it was the cap she wore that made her look like one. We even managed to have lunch and dinner out, and did some shopping.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A day in Kaelyn's life.. and mine as well
It has been 8.5 weeks since I delivered Kaelyn. Time really flies. When I look back at how I have spent my last 2 months, I realised I have only been bathing, feeding, changing nappies for our little princess. Whatever spare time in between will be spent bathing and feeding myself and sleeping. Occasionally I do have the luxury of checking my emails and posting blogs. Also, the only times I step out of the house is to go for my checkups, bring Kaelyn to the clinic, go to parents' homes...
It sounds very boring here, but time just whizzed by before I could really feel it. This is how we spend our day:
This routine is really far from ideal. I'm still trying out variations of Gina Ford's routine in her book 'The new contented little baby book'. Hopefully I can get something to work for Kaelyn, even if we bring her out.
It sounds very boring here, but time just whizzed by before I could really feel it. This is how we spend our day:
- Between 6 and 8 am: Awaken by Kaelyn's cries. She's either hungry (which is the most likely reason), really wet and wanting a change of nappies, or just calling someone over to talk to her.
- By 9am: She would have been fed. Plays for around half to one hour. This is the best time to bring out the flash cards and teach her whatever I want.
- Bathes between 9 - 10am. Offer her gripe water and some warm water.
- 10 - 11 am: She may nap for a short while. This is when I can catch up on my sleep - but usually not long.
- 10.30 - 11.30am: 2nd feed 3 hours after the first. After which is lunch time for me.
- By 12 noon: Kaelyn is supposed to have her lunchtime nap of 2 hours but she always cannot get past an hour. My maid and I would have to take turns either talking to her or carrying her around the house.
- 1.30 - 2.30pm: 3rd feed.
- 2.30 - 4.30pm: I try to put her to sleep again since she didnt have enough of her lunchtime nap. Sometimes she can sleep for as long as 2.5 hours, but most times, she just managed half an hour at most. So will have to either play with her, talk to her or carry her around to appease the princess.
- By 5pm: 4th feed.
- By 6pm: Clean her and change her clothes.
- By 8pm: 5th feed. This and the subsequent feeds are the most difficult as she would struggle and bawl at the feedings. She'll have lots of wind in her stomach. So most of the nights are spent struggling to calm her down.
- By 11pm: The last feed of the daytime.
- In the night between 12 and 6am: She'll wake up once for a feed, no fixed timing.
- The time she wakes up for the midnight feed will determine her wake up time in the morning.
This routine is really far from ideal. I'm still trying out variations of Gina Ford's routine in her book 'The new contented little baby book'. Hopefully I can get something to work for Kaelyn, even if we bring her out.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Kaelyn's developments
Kaelyn is growing so fast each day and I really have to keep track of her growth in case I miss out on anything. So far, I have noticed the following changes when she moved from month 1 to month 2:
- She no longer wants to be swaddled. In the initial weeks, swaddling is very comforting to her but now, she finds it too restrictive as she likes to swing her arms and legs.
- Her cries are different. I almost can differentiate the hunger cry, calling for attention cry and uncomfortable cry. In the first month, all the cries sounded similar - actually they were all screams.
- She likes to look towards her left.
- She smiles and laughs when you play with her. Sometimes she even makes noises other than crying, like 'ahh', 'eh' etc.
- She swings her arms and legs when playing. Sometimes she'll move her limbs and whole body as she laughs. Shows that she's really happy!
- Her hands found their way into her mouth. Initially I thought that was a signal for hunger, but realised she would also do that as and when she feels like it.
- She seems to know when you scolds her. She'll quieten down and look at you for a while. But then continue her screaming again!
- She loves to bathe. In the first few weeks, she yelled throughout her bath. But now she enjoys kicking and splashing around such that it is getting difficult to hold her down.
- She is getting quite strong. When you hold her in an uncomfortable position, she'll struggle and kick so hard you are almost wrestling with her!
This is no exactly my favourite topic but I really have to write about it. Mainly because I am still struggling with it, after 8 weeks... But I have to say I have improved tremendously since day 1.
Breastfeeding is the most difficult part of motherhood for me so far. The nurses in the hospital taught me how to position the baby and to let her suckle for 15 mins on each breast and burp her. It seemed rather ok at that time. A nurse would push her in for me to breastfeed - more to suckle and get the colostrum and when she continued crying, they would feed her with glucose water.
The real problems started on the day we brought Kaelyn home. She was screaming herself hoarse all of the journey back. As my milk had only started to trickle in, it's not sufficient to appease her. And I had no glucose water! Resorted to feeding her formula as a desperate attempt to silence her. For the first few weeks, I would let her suckle and if she's still not satisfied, we would give her some formula. I think my milk wasnt coming in fast enough and to make things worse, there was an excruciating pain on my right nipple each time Kaelyn suckled on it and it even bled. I had to stop her from feeding on this breast for almost a week.
I subsequently read that to increase milk supply, you have to let your baby feed from you as often as possible and try not to resort to supplement to match up the shortfall as this will lead to decrease in supply. Hence I tried to reduce the number of supplements and breast feed her as often as possible. It was a big struggle as I could be feeding as often as every 1.5 to 2 hours. It's really very tiring.
But I guess the effort really paid off, as now Kaelyn is on total breast milk. My supply is just enough to meet her demands. I still have a few issues to tackle right now:
(a) Increasing my supply to meet her growing demands
- I've been eating fish every lunch and dinner, drinking lots of fluids and taking Fenugreek and Longan & red dates tea.
(b) Re-stimulate my right breast as it has become close to defunct after I stopped for a week
- In every direct feed session, I would start feeding from this breast first and would pump out excess if any. Havent seen any improvements yet so far.
(c) Kaelyn is a really slow drinker. She can take up to half an hour to empty the first breast, and another 10 - 15 mins to fill her stomach on another breast. It's so tiring that at certain times of day, I just express and bottle feed her - it's much faster. Hope she can improve on this in time to come!
Breastfeeding is very tough and tiring for me, but I keep telling myself I should persevere, since breast milk is supposed to be good for the baby, and also I have 5 months of maternity leave to get it right!
Lastly, I would have to thank Sandy, Theresa and Huiyan for their encouragement and sharing their experiences with me. At least I know that I am not the only one facing all these problems with breastfeeding, and motivated me to perservere till now (Week 9).
Breastfeeding is the most difficult part of motherhood for me so far. The nurses in the hospital taught me how to position the baby and to let her suckle for 15 mins on each breast and burp her. It seemed rather ok at that time. A nurse would push her in for me to breastfeed - more to suckle and get the colostrum and when she continued crying, they would feed her with glucose water.
The real problems started on the day we brought Kaelyn home. She was screaming herself hoarse all of the journey back. As my milk had only started to trickle in, it's not sufficient to appease her. And I had no glucose water! Resorted to feeding her formula as a desperate attempt to silence her. For the first few weeks, I would let her suckle and if she's still not satisfied, we would give her some formula. I think my milk wasnt coming in fast enough and to make things worse, there was an excruciating pain on my right nipple each time Kaelyn suckled on it and it even bled. I had to stop her from feeding on this breast for almost a week.
I subsequently read that to increase milk supply, you have to let your baby feed from you as often as possible and try not to resort to supplement to match up the shortfall as this will lead to decrease in supply. Hence I tried to reduce the number of supplements and breast feed her as often as possible. It was a big struggle as I could be feeding as often as every 1.5 to 2 hours. It's really very tiring.
But I guess the effort really paid off, as now Kaelyn is on total breast milk. My supply is just enough to meet her demands. I still have a few issues to tackle right now:
(a) Increasing my supply to meet her growing demands
- I've been eating fish every lunch and dinner, drinking lots of fluids and taking Fenugreek and Longan & red dates tea.
(b) Re-stimulate my right breast as it has become close to defunct after I stopped for a week
- In every direct feed session, I would start feeding from this breast first and would pump out excess if any. Havent seen any improvements yet so far.
(c) Kaelyn is a really slow drinker. She can take up to half an hour to empty the first breast, and another 10 - 15 mins to fill her stomach on another breast. It's so tiring that at certain times of day, I just express and bottle feed her - it's much faster. Hope she can improve on this in time to come!
Breastfeeding is very tough and tiring for me, but I keep telling myself I should persevere, since breast milk is supposed to be good for the baby, and also I have 5 months of maternity leave to get it right!
Lastly, I would have to thank Sandy, Theresa and Huiyan for their encouragement and sharing their experiences with me. At least I know that I am not the only one facing all these problems with breastfeeding, and motivated me to perservere till now (Week 9).
The breastfed cherubic at full month
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