Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Kaelyn is 5 months old

It's time for my monthly update again. Kaelyn is 5 months old. In the 5th month, she does not have any specific newly acquired skills but overall seems to be more aware of her surroundings. She has also improved a lot on the skills developed in the 4th month.
  • She is 6.4kg.
  • Can sit unassisted momentarily before she falls over towards her front. But she can sit with pillows supporting her for longer periods.
The little mafia queen
Another use for the breastfeeding pillow

  • She's now trying to push her chest away from the ground using her arms, although only momentarily. She's still not strong enough to fully support herself in this position.
  • Likes to pull at both her feet and stuff them into her mouth! Needless to say, anything she grabs will soon find their way into her mouth too.
  • Is more aware of her surroundings and the people around her. She'll smile at David and me when we got back from work.
  • After our trip to Sentosa to watch the "Songs of the sea" performance, her "singing" is now louder and longer, sometimes launching into a "performance". This really brings smiles to all in the family.
  • Laughs out loud more often now. Sometimes, when we were not looking, she'll giggle and laugh while playing by herself. = )
  • Started on solids (rice cereal) again recently, after a failed attempt at 4th month. I think she likes it now.
  • Is able to hold her bottle momentarily and push away the bottle when she has had enough.
  • It's easier to make her sleep now. In the past, we had to carry and rock her to sleep. Now, we have trained her to sleep on her own i.e. laying her on her bed when she's sleepy and patting her for a while. Sometimes, she doesnt even need us to pat her before drifting off to dreamland...
  • She doesnt scream and cry as often as the past 4 months. She'll only fuss for a while when she's sleepy or hungry, or sometimes when she wakes up from her nap. I think this is a marked improvement from the past months. So it's now much easier to bring her out.


Yes, it's been a while since I blogged. I'm on leave today, trying to recall all the happenings this past month that are worth blogging on. So watch this space.